This website is the property of Adamo Robot S.L., with registered office at C/ Manuel Tovar 49. 28034 Madrid (Spain), with C.I.F. (company tax code) B16761686.
These general conditions regulate the use of this website, owned exclusively by Adamo Robot S.L., which grants internet users free access to this website for informative and advertising purposes only. Access to this website and/or use of materials contained herein implies that you have read and accepted, without reservation, these conditions. The use of any service offered on this website will be governed exclusively by the conditions that are laid down explicitly in each particular case.
Please read carefully the legal terms and conditions of access to/use of this website and the information contained therein:
- The content of these pages is for informative purposes only and does not constitute either an offer of procurement or binding contractual information with Adamo Robot S.L., hereafter “Adamo Robot”.
- All material contained on this website, including but not limited to texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes (hereafter, the ‘Contents’), are the intellectual property of Adamo Robot or third parties, and any operating rights recognised by current intellectual property legislation may not be construed as having been transferred to the user, except for those which are strictly necessary for the use of the Portal.
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- Those that use this website do so willingly and at their own risk. Adamo Robot, its partners, collaborators, employees, and representatives are not responsible for errors or omissions in the content of this website or other content which can be accessed through this website. Adamo Robot, its partners, collaborators, employees, and representatives shall also not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this website, nor for any action taken on the basis of the information presented therein.
- Adamo Robot reserves the right to update, modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the website content at any time, as well as links or information obtained through the website, including these conditions, without prior notice.
- Adamo Robot shall not be liable for any loss, damages, claim or expense incurred from issues that have resulted from the use of this website, or from information accessed through it, nor shall Adamo Robot by liable for any computer virus acquired through the connection, operational failure or interruptions in service or transmission, or communication line failure; and in general for any kind of damage that could have been caused by the use of the website and the information offered therein.
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- Adamo Robot assumes no responsibility for external websites which can be accessed via hyperlinks (“links”), or any external website content made available by third parties. Any use of a link or access to an external website is undertaken of the user’s own accord and at their own risk. Adamo Robot does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained from or through a link, and assumes no responsibility for any loss, claim or damages arising from the use of a link, or the information obtained through it.
- The content of this website is published for general use and for informative andadvertisingorcommercialpurposes.
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- To procureservicesofferedbyAdamo Robot,youmustsignthecorrespondingcontract.
- The website may on occasions contain reports, comments, notes, and opinions ofthird parties. Adamo Robot does not accept and waives any liability for damages and loss, director indirect, as a result of its use. Furthermore, this information may not be copied,reproduced,distributed,orpublished byanyuserofthiswebsite.
- In the event that reference is made to a price for a service offered, theaforementioned price shall be subject to additional taxes legally established pursuant toSpanishlegislation.
- This website is the exclusive property of Adamo Robot. Intellectual property rights andreproduction and operating rights of this website, its source code, navigation structure,databases, elements contained therein, its pages, screens, the information they contain, itsappearance and design, as well as the hyperlinks that are established within it, are theexclusive property of Adamo Robot, unless otherwise specified. All trade names, emblems,designs and/or logos that make up this page are registered trademarks. Any improper usethereof by a person other than the legal owner shall be prosecuted in accordance withcurrent legislation. Intellectual property rights and trademarks of third parties are suitablyhighlighted and must be respected by anybody who accesses the website. Thereproduction, transmission, modification or deletion of information, contentor notices from this website without the prior written authorization of Adamo Robot is strictly prohibited.
- Accessing this website does not grant the user either the right to or the ownership of,the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the content of the website. Adamo Robotreserves the right to take legal action against any user who violates or infringes intellectualand/or industrial propertyrights
- Unauthorised use of the information contained in this website, its resale, as well asthe infringement of rights thereby committed, shall give rise to civil and criminal liabilitypursuanttothecorrespondingSpanish law.
- All links to the Adamo Robot website from third parties must be to the home page of thesite,with priorwritten authorizationfromAdamo Robot.
- DURATION: Indefinite.
- APPLICABLE LEGISLATION AND JURISDICTION: These legal terms and conditions are governed by Spanish legislation.
Adamo Robot S.L. – All rights reserved.